Digital marketing is the application of traditional sales strategies carried out in digital media. All the techniques of the offline world are imitated and translated into a new world adapted to the needs of the current user.
In this new area, the second instance of digital marketing takes place, since users can talk about the brand freely. They have an extremely important power that greatly influences the overall development of any product or project.
Marketing techniques must therefore change their paradigm. If before distributors, media, and producers were the ones who had the power of opinion, now the focus must shift to the user. The user is able to search for what he/she wants thanks to the power of search engines (Google, Bing, and other platforms) where the user now has absolute power over the content and products he/she wants to consume or not.
That is why a digital strategy must include all relevant spaces where the target interacts, seeking to influence opinions, improve search engine results, and analyzing the information that these media provide to optimize the performance of the actions taken. Digital marketing is the combination of design, creativity, profitability, and analysis.
Online digital marketing allows not only the user a unique experience but also companies since this individual user customization allows businesses to have a database that is constantly evolving, in addition to observing the progress of their projects, in short, its main benefits are:
Measurable results: This is the main and most obvious advantage of digital marketing. Thanks to the multiple analytical tools, it allows more accurate tracking of ROI than traditional marketing.
Greater capacity to control, optimize, and correct campaigns: due to the collection and possibility of real-time consultation of the results obtained, in addition, in an accurate manner.
Global reach: Thanks to the useful tool that is the Internet, we can have access to users anywhere in the world, which is very convenient for online sales companies.
Loyalty: social networks allow us to generate stronger ties with our customers, interact and connect with them, based on this we can build a broader online community than we could in the offline world.
Accurate targeting: While a traditional marketing ad is printed to a large generic audience that may not be interested in the product, in digital marketing we can direct ads to a specific audience, thus achieving much more efficient campaigns for our users.
With this, consumers gain because they have more opportunities to meet companies with which they identify.
In the end, today digital marketing for small businesses is a highly functional option, they can make good campaigns and attract consumers from the other side of the city, the country, and the world.
The same goes for companies that can create a good online positioning, increasing their sales opportunities through various channels.
Digital marketing provides us with a series of highly diverse tools from which we can carry out from small actions at practically zero cost to complex strategies (and, obviously, more expensive) in which an infinite number of techniques and resources are combined.
It is advisable to go little by little, identifying those channels that allow you to reach your customer segment faster while investing the least amount of money, for this the most viable option is to seek consultants specialized in the area, in short, specialists in digital marketing, who can advise you on making smarter investments and make the right decisions.
When implementing a digital campaign there are certain steps to follow:
1. Internal analysis of the company.
If you want to succeed in your project of creating a digital marketing plan, you cannot apply an identical template to all companies. It is necessary to customize.
It is important that you take into account the evolution of the digital transformation in which the brand is in because only then you will be able to understand why until now it did not have this planning.
In addition, you have to do a bit of psychology and see how receptive your manager is to digital change.
2. Analysis of the company with the current environment.
Although this is the second step of your plan, it is actually the first step that should be highlighted in the document to be submitted.
In this chapter, you must analyze where the company is in relation to its competitors. Benchmarking is more than necessary because you want to know where you are in the race to win customers.
Focus on the digital media in which the company’s potential customers move, in which social networks they are present, and the trends of digital users. Assess which influencers are active in the same sector as you.
3. Identifies the general and marketing objectives of the company.
You will probably have to adapt some that are defined as general for the company, i.e., that affect online and offline marketing. But others will be specific to the digital field.
We can exemplify some of the most common ones:
· Increase the number of sales opportunities.
· Increase the database through lead generation.
· Increase the number of followers or interactions in the company’s channels.
· To have more visibility.
· Improve online reputation.
· Provide fast and efficient customer service.
4. Set the pillars on which you will base your social media strategy.
Designing a social media strategy is a separate reflection that must be done. This is extremely necessary, the person in charge of the analysis and the strategy must have the companies idles in mind in order to make the most optimal strategy.
From this, three fundamental bases that should not be lost sight of are highlighted:
1. Branding. Improve online reputation through maximum dissemination of content. This will bring the brand closer to a leadership position in its sector.
2. Establish a content strategy that seeks to generate emotions in users, which enhances engagement.
3. Create a community around social networks, with specific objectives for each of them and that encourages active listening to detect their needs.
5. Outline what your content plan will be for each communication channel.
As with the social media strategy, you will need to address the content plan in order to connect with users and get their attention with the right language.
In short, it is established by understanding:
· Who you are addressing.
· What topics are you going to talk about?
· In what tone you will do it.
Add value to the content plan and identify each topic you will talk about with the categories of products and services of the company, the idea is to understand the potential customer and please them in the best way.
6.Analyze the company’s website
If you have a website, you should keep in mind that a company’s website is its headquarters, the base camp from which everything is born. It is the digital face of the brand. Therefore, it must be as clean and tidy as possible so that users want to stay on it, feel comfortable and safe.
In a website it is important to be clear about five sections, an expert can order them efficiently:
1. Content: for search engines and users it is essential that a website has quantity and quality of good content. Calculate the ratio of text in relation to the total HTML of the website.
2. Keyword research: search engines respond to users’ queries based on the concurrence of the words they enter and those contained in the website.
3. SEO: SEO is responsible for a website to make search engines understand what each of its pages is about. It is the path you take so that users find what they are looking for on your website.
4. An SEO audit is essential at the beginning of your digital marketing plan. To assess how to improve your positioning.
5. Usability: in digital marketing, it is essential that people who visit your website find what they are looking for as quickly and easily as possible.
Analyze if the way to use the website of the brand you are studying is comfortable and fast to learn how to use it.
6. User experience: understand how a visitor who enters the website feels after browsing it. Their experience has to be positive for them to want to return to it. This is a concept linked to usability and content.
The growing processing power of computers and Internet infrastructure has taken us to a universe of possibilities. Just think of the volume and quality of content available today, most of it free of charge.
Taking this into account, there is a great demand and a silent fight between the different portals and digital businesses that try to position themselves so that users consume them, for this reason, there is no universal strategy for it, it all depends on your goals, but based on these, some strategies or “types of digital marketing” stand out:
Inbound Marketing is synonymous with attraction marketing, being one of the main stars of digital transformation. When creating an Inbound strategy, your goal is to be found by people.
In Inbound Marketing, companies seek to understand the ailments and problems of consumers and then establish a communication channel with them, with the intention of offering a solution to their desires and needs. Today, the Internet is full of tools to search, discover the interests of the public and publish materials that satisfy them.
When this is put into practice continuously, you create your audience, generating a constant communication channel with them. In other words, the company converses with its audience, not just sends messages.
Consumers are daily looking for solutions on the Internet, and, most of the time, that journey starts with search engines. Content Marketing aims to position your brand in the right place at the right time in the buying journey to offer the best solutions.
Therefore, Content Marketing is the strategic process of publishing relevant and valuable materials and information, in order to attract, convert and delight the audience so that it remains constant, in short, to create loyalty.
To apply this strategy, you need to spread your content in regions of the Internet that are attractive to you.
There are some standardized methods for this, such as a corporate blog, the company’s website and social media profiles, this is actually one of the simplest applicable strategies.
Having a page on the main social networks where your audience can find you have become essential. Whether to promote your actions and content or to let people know the inside of your company, thanks to the countless number of users that are part of the various communities in RRSS is accessible to find potential customers.
In addition, being present in social media is a fundamental point for the choice of a brand by consumers, which is, to identify with companies, more than with the product and service, with the values and the ideal behind them.
An effective social media strategy should generate a significant share of traffic generation for your domain, but, at the same time, it is a channel of communication and brand disclosure.
Email marketing is the process of sending messages for commercial purposes to a group of contacts obtained by a company on the Internet, but it MUST NOT BE CONFUSED WITH SPAMMING.
It can be used as a method of strengthening your brand, generating sales, communicating with customers and potential customers, whether in an e-commerce store or in any company that offers products and services.
The direct communication channel with the user is a unique tool and can bring very effective results. In fact, it is possible to segment your lists according to different factors, in this way we can understand more accurately the customer’s concerns or needs.
As we mentioned before, in a digital marketing strategy, being found in search engines is essential, right? And, for that, there is a specific concept to get results organically, that is, without paying for ads.
It is what we define as Search Engine Optimization, that is, SEO, today, search engines expect to offer the best results for the user experience, based on that there are applicable techniques for search engines to consider your content relevant and thus improve the experience you offer on your website.
Optimizing your pages means making them understandable to both people and crawlers. And that will depend on your performance in a combination of several positioning factors, however, working on SEO does not ensure that you will always be among the top results.
Search Engine Marketing. Simply put, its name defines it. Search engines are useful for digital strategies involving organic or paid media. When you do a search, these mechanisms will show you a list of useful links, and some of them will be ads.
Therefore, search engine marketing is an all-encompassing process. Even SEO itself is within SEM, as every digital strategy is partly dependent on another.
Thinking in these terms may sound a bit scary, but with the right advice or the right specialized team that is compatible with the company’s ideals, understanding how the processes work and carrying them out will be very easy, even if it is a very large undertaking.
As we said, Digital Marketing, being a very extensive subject, has a huge diversity of disciplines, strategies, and specific techniques. Thus, there are countless ways to apply Digital Marketing, so it tends to be desperate for those who have no knowledge in the area but are interested in it.
But, despite a large number of possibilities of Digital Marketing applications, there are those strategies/techniques that stand out for being used by the vast majority and that usually bring positive results, so don’t be discouraged! You can start implementing your strategy with Content Marketing, Social Networks, CRO, SEO, SEM, or E-mail marketing, in general terms these are not the easiest, however, they are usually the most efficient and functional, but as we mentioned, it is important to be clear about the needs of our company and how to solve them through the digital media and its countless tools.
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